Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Steampunk Bird on Wheels

A couple years back I saw the work of an artist at a local art sales gallery who makes these little sculptural birds (some on actual wheels and he adorns them with metal and other 'found' items).  For the life of me I can not remember his name and need to look him up!  It will come to me though eventually (of course, I could call that gallery;  at some point I will update this post with his info!)

I did not purchase one of his bird sculptures but, was inspired to create a reminder of them!

I never really saw this as 'Steampunk' (Steam Punk?) until recently.  
Was thinking I should sell this but I can't quite let it go yet.  
It's 16 x 20" and bright and metallic and fun and swirly and makes me smile.  I actually glued on the feather and the button and little metal embellishment.

I will soon be using this image (maybe card sets?) in my etsy shop.


  1. Replies
    1. thank you! Spring has birds rolling in a new direction!


  2. *UPDATE: Artist Jim Mullan and partner Tori create Mullanium art!
